Here's a few photos of the Hodge Family visiting together on 5/28/07, (Memorial Day).
These photos were taken at Bob Hodge Jr's house in Odessa Fl.
We were also glad to have our good friend, Dennis Lee visiting with us as well! A good time was had by All!
From left to right, Front Row:
Jackie Schiffer (Bobby's sister), Bobby Hodge, Mary Hodge (Bobby's wife)
Back Row: Dennis Lee, Ron Hodge (Bobby's #2 son), Jackie Hodge (Ron's wife), Rodney Hodge (Bobby's #4 son), Tammy Hodge (Richie's wife), Richie Hodge (Bobby's #3 son), Terri Hodge (Bob Jr's wife), Bob Hodge Jr.
Britney Hodge
(Bob Jr & Terri's daughter)
Mary Jackie
Jackie Tammy Terri
Bobby Dennis Lee
Rodney Richie Ron Bob Jr.
One Big Happy Family!
The Sweetheart's Club(Except Dennis & Rod...LOL)
Dad & His 4 Boys
Bobby with good friend, Dennis Lee
(Dennis Lee is also quite an entertainer himself! He performs at Fairs & Festivals all over the country with his music and comedy show. Check out his web site at: )
And finally one of my favorite photos, Mom & Dad laughing and having a good time!
I hope you enjoyed these photos of the Hodge family. We are a close and loving family.
We know that God has given us many blessings and we pray he continues to bless us.
Please go to the home page and sign the guest book, We would like to know that you were here....Thanks